Thursday, August 1, 2013

Five Effective ways to get out of Frustration

Five Effective ways to get out of Frustration

Being frustrated is very common problem of one’s daily life. There are things which lead you to be frustrated. Here I’m not going to explain which results in frustration. But I’m going to tell you about the solution to get out of the frustration.
1st way: Take a pillow or a punching bag & punch until your frustration goes down. As when one get frustrated or get angry over a thing or a person, one always look forward to target that thing or that person. At these moments one look to attack which is natural. So pillow is a better option than to target a person. It would be beneficial in another way as well that pillow would not reply you back after being punched by you.

2nd way:  Now being in a relationship or having a best friend benefits you at this moment. As sharing is a method to find out the way to celebrate in happiness & to find out the solution in problems. When one shares his emotions with others, it drives him into a close relationship & he can find a way to get out of his problems as well. When someone makes you feel confident whether you are right or wrong, that is the person who can make you believe in yourself & get out of these situations & feel awesome.
3rd way: the next way is for those who do not have good friends or who do not believe in sharing their personal life with others. Make it a habit to write moments your daily life on a paper or in a diary rather you can post that paper to the person who creates frustration for you but with terms & conditions apply because how that person would react is completely unpredictable. It is called as “Virtual Relationship”.

4th way: meditation can be a great measure against frustration. Meditation allows your mind to be calm & makes you to have control on your mind. To control your mind means you would be able to control your emotions. You can stand out neutral at peak situations like when there would be extreme surprising situation & in extreme shocking situation as well. So just do it regularly & make you a peaceful & cool person.
5th way: this is the coolest way to get out of these situations. Do what you most likely to do. Don’t think on the situation; don’t think what others think about you. Just do what you like to do. Use your habits & interests to find out the way to get relaxed. You can sing, dance, play or paint. The interests which give you internal pleasure make ways for you to get out of these situations. There are important measures to find out the best way which gives you immense pleasure. Just compare your interest against money & time you will find the answer. The thing you can do without giving the second thought to money & time is the thing which can help you.
Apart from the entire methods one most important thing which is necessary is “not to react immediately”.
Everything fails if you react immediately. Just take a pause for some seconds before reacting before someone or for something. Get your breath back and analyze the situation & find out the best way to get out of it accordingly.
Hope this would help you out.
Stay updated.
Kamal R.



A Happy Thought
Being happy is an awesome feeling for everybody. Happiness is the power you live for. This is the thing for which you do hard work from morning till night. Mostly might have thought that I’m talking about money here. But I must clear out that I’m not talking about money rather money is a necessary thing for surviving. But a real pleasure can give you the real motive of your life.
In this era value of happiness is being changed for everybody. Obviously one must have aim of his life but he has made his life dependent of that particular thing.
First we set goals; we achieve them & set new goals to achieve. That is what our life has been meant to us. Mostly people search happiness in these things. But this type of happiness is not permanent.
Just suppose one is looking forward to achieve something in his life and finally one day he achieved his goal & he gets happy for achieving his goal. But at the next moment he desires for the newer goals & again he involves himself into his work to achieve the newer set goal. He does not have time to be happy for his achievements. Every time he gets his goal his desires lead him to work for his next goal. As it is a human tendency “when we achieve something we desire for something bigger than what we have achieved.” So ultimately we have time to set new goals & we think that it would give us a great pleasure or happiness. But we don’t have time to enjoy that achievement. Actually we have the pleasure but on temporary basis.  
Now different people have different set of desires like somebody gets happy to earn money; somebody to get respect; somebody to achieve & somebody to help others. Different people have their own credentials’ to be happy. But all is for temporary period.
I always talk about internal pleasure.
If one can play guitar well & he only plays when girls are around to impress them. Then that is not the real pleasure what I’m talking about. That is just for temporary period. The real desire is to impress girls not to play guitar. But if you can play guitar when you are all alone & that brings smile on your face or makes you feel the satisfaction that would be the real pleasure.
Obviously this is the era of competition for everybody in any field. The basic motto of one’s life must be to get his happiness. But the standards change with time. Now people live to earn, to get respect, to be famous, to be somebody in the society. But nobody lives to get happy. (I congratulate those who live for happiness of their lives.)
There are ups & downs in one’s life & both are essential part of life.
A real pleasure or happiness gives you power to survive in the bad phase of your life.
We compare things to motivate ourselves to be happy. We just create conditions to be happy. As we would achieve this we would have been a happy person. And immediately we set new one.
It’s a free advice to all and to me. Just live to enjoy every moment of your life. Life is valuable so live it to its best.
Stay happy & stay updated.
Kamal R
(If you like my views then follow me on facebook and like my facebook page )  


Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills

"How to Improve Writing Skills"

Hello Guys. Welcome to “The Transformation”.
In my previous Blogs Being Failure is my Achievement, Motivation by Inspiration, Gyan " The Knowledge"  I was writing only Inspirational and Motivational Articles only.  

So here I’m going to tell you something informational “How to improve writing skills”.

This would not make a world class author but provide you some basic knowledge that will help you to write a good and healthy article or a Blog. Certainly it is not a big thing to write but definitely it requires ability to write Impressive content that would turn your visitors into your Readers.  

Here I’m going to share my secret how I do write my Blog Articles. I just follow these guidelines
  • Be Original 
  • Have Patience
Being patient is the trick which works for me. I always try to listen or read something carefully. As it may be the title or topic of my next blog.
Every individual has his own unique way of thinking. That’s why some are Successful or some might not be in managing their thoughts.

These are the important gradients when you start to write something.

Be Original:

When you start to write just make sure that whatever you write must be original in content. Do not copy your content. Just write what you really follow in your real life. People will follow you if and only if you do follow what you are saying others through your articles or blog. Just be original.

Be Patient:

Have patience while you are thinking to write something. Just consider these tips before you think to write your content.     
  • Observe Carefully  
  • Analyze  Content 
  •  Finally Write

Observe Carefully:

Now what you have to do to observe is just “Listen Everything & Everybody”. As I already told you Everybody is unique in the way of managing their thoughts. So it could be better for you and your writing skills to listen everything and everybody. This is the very first step in writing.


It is not necessary that Whatever you have listened must be Good or Impressive. So just Analyze what you have listened whether it would match with your thought System or Would it require some changes according to what you think about it.
Every coin has its two sides so just make sure you would consider both sides of the coin and then finalize with your content.
Here I’m not telling you to copy your content but take some inspiration and write what you really want to say.  


When you are done with the above steps you are finally ready to write your article. Above steps are necessary because it is important to understand you first before you give some suggestions or information to others.

Final words: 
Hope these tips will help you to generate Quality Content. Certainly It helped me a lot in my writing skills. For anything you want to ask me about this you can comment below. I would love to reply your queries as soon as possible. Be original and Have patience.

Kamal R  

How to get relieve of your problems

How to get relieve of your problems

Welcome All to "The Transformation"
An optimistic always thinks that life is the other name of opportunities. But it has some high class hurdles also. As Failure is important to get Success these hurdles are also important parts of life.
Every individual, from a one day child to a 101 years old person, has his own problems. I think Nobody on this Earth is satisfied.
One of my friends does not have a Job that’s why he is in tension. Another friend has so many options so that he is in tension. One has Job in his own field but away from home so that he is in tension.
I think everybody on this Earth has a lots & lots of problems. But every individual is Unique. He has different views on different aspects of life. He has a different Thought Process.  He handles a problem from his own point of view that’s why some people get succeed to get over their problems and some might not be.
Actually Problem is not at all the core thing to focus on. We just need to focus on the solution of that problem rather thinking that how big this problem is.  The only solution to Every Problem is just change the way you look the problem.
Certainly there are people who are good to handle their problems but thinking on the other aspect of a thing may be making you realize that “It is not a problem at all”.
Recently I had a fight with my girlfriend (who is certainly my Ex after that fight) and I was complaining so many things while she was just ignoring me so that we could get out of this all. She had her own way of looking at this fight and my perception was completely different from her. I was little late to understand the exact situation before I could understand the different aspect from which she was looking. And finally she decided to leave me and left me as well. I don’t say here I was right & she was not or she was right & I was not but because of our different way of thinking we couldn’t get relieved from this problem.  
Here I just might have needed to change my perception. And I might have succeeded to get her back.
Final words:
This is again a free advice to you all.
“Don’t look for problem it only can be as bigger as mountain but just look for the solution may be this can be as small as a needle”
Stay Problem free.
Stay healthy and fit
Kamal R

Monday, July 22, 2013

Gyan "The Knowledge"

''Gyan Batne se Badhta hai'' (When You share your knowledge your wisdom enhances)
You must have heard this proverb in Hindi. But is this really applicable in today's life style? Do you really think you do it to enhance your knowledge or wisdom? Just think for a second. What does it real mean & how real people use it? or are they really use it or not?
Well almost everybody must have an idol in his/her life. He/she can be a businessman, an employee, a star, a sportsperson, CEO of a Company, your Father, Mother, Brother or anyone else. So just think about your Idol (excluding your father, mother and brother though they would be your real well-wisher) & try to fit them in this proverb. Are they really do this? Are they sharing their knowledge and experience with you the upcoming talent?
I'm not blaming anybody but the nature has been changed and continuously be changing. People's self confidence, self belief has been converted into ''Ego''.
Let's suppose if you want to be an Engineer or a doctor or any body else in the society and you are following somebody who can have some treasure of his knowledge & experience and wisdom and when you approach him would he be really help you to find out the right way? Most of them just share their success that will definitely excite you to make quick decisions of what to do and should you move into this or not? But they don't tell you the real story (mostly 75 % don't).
They just give you lectures not lessons. They don't believe in sharing their Failures with the rest. They just celebrate their success. I'm not writing this not to make you against your Idols. but just try to draw your attention towards reality.
Everybody starts from a scratch so if you follow somebody follow him/her from the moment he started.
Actually there would always be some hesitation to accept somebody & his perception who is known when he/she tries to do something out of the box. So for those who have desires to do something unique then don't try to convince your near ones to accept you but target the audience who are unknown to you. As they start liking your concepts they will try to follow you from the start rather your near ones won't understand this concept.
Kamal R

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Being Failure is an Achievement.....!!!!!

Being a Failure is an Achievement….!!!!
You might have confused after reading this title, anybody could be. But whatever you are reading is absolutely right. Being a Failure is an Achievement.
You might have taken it in another way and might be thinking author has become mad. But I can bet on it whatever I have written above is right. And it would have been proved when you really realize it then you would definitely say that it is a great achievement.
I explained a lot of times in my previous blogs that live for yourself & listen to your inner voice and do according to that.
Most of the times you might have been scolded by your loved ones on asking about your future plans like what you want to do in life or telling why don’t you try in that particular field(which might have different from your core stream).  This is really frustrating, I know, but at these moments one thing is very important which is your inner world.
Many a times we live in fantasies or in Imaginations. That must be kept alive all the time. Those are the real hopes for them who are drowning down in the sea. That is the time when your real character would be tested.
Don’t afraid, Good phase gives you Happiness and Bad phase teaches you Lessons. Keep your mind open & keep your inner world alive.  
Just avoid everything and listen what your inner world tells you. Do what you want to do in reality.
That might be less luxurious but effectively will be more adorable to you. Just live for yourself.  Nobody cares for you when you are facing Failures. Just do what you want to do and achieve what would give you peace and real happiness.
You may have lots of money in your bank account but if you don’t have peace of mind everything would be wasted. And when you do what your heart say to you people might call you ‘Mad’. But don’t lose heart because if people don’t call you ‘Mad’ you probably might not be on the right track.
So just be positive when you get Failure & say to the world, “Yes, I’m a big Failure and this is my Achievement”.



Friday, July 12, 2013

The Thought Process

The Thought Process

Every individual is unique and he has a unique thought process as well. There is a very thin line between playing good and playing great. It is not about talent or potential one possesses but it is all about to deliver. Now how one's thought process plays a vital role in getting results.
Whenever one decides to do something he wants to do; his thought process makes him confused most of the times. Being an optimist or positive thinker does not make much difference if there is a little hint of doubt in mind.
  Every time one overcomes the hurdles; the journey becomes harder and harder. Every-time one steps up towards his success; the staircase becomes smaller in size & height becomes more higher. As one progresses towards his aim ''fear'' climbs up as higher as he is on. Fear of loosing momentum, fear of happening something wrong & creating hurdle of his own success.
  Everyone starts from zero. Right? So as higher you are from zero as higher your fear would be of loosing. And whenever you start with doubt in your mind, I guarantee you never get succeed.
You must have one of these two things to start with either a strong Belief system or a strong Passion.
I have explained in my previous Blogs about Belief System You can take a look here.
 I know one thing that if you want to throw this fear out of yourself the kid inside you must be alive.
A 3 years old child doesn't play game to win or loose he just plays to enjoy. He doesn't have fear to loose. He doesn't think what would happen if he looses or wins. He just enjoys those moments without giving any thought to it.
So every time you want to proceed and get success you must be fearless. And you would be fearless when you behave like a kid. 
Don't bother about what others think and what your mind says. Just do it in childish way and you will be Successful because you would not have fear.
All The Best.
Stay Updated.
Kamal R