Showing posts with label success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label success. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

How to get relieve of your problems

How to get relieve of your problems

Welcome All to "The Transformation"
An optimistic always thinks that life is the other name of opportunities. But it has some high class hurdles also. As Failure is important to get Success these hurdles are also important parts of life.
Every individual, from a one day child to a 101 years old person, has his own problems. I think Nobody on this Earth is satisfied.
One of my friends does not have a Job that’s why he is in tension. Another friend has so many options so that he is in tension. One has Job in his own field but away from home so that he is in tension.
I think everybody on this Earth has a lots & lots of problems. But every individual is Unique. He has different views on different aspects of life. He has a different Thought Process.  He handles a problem from his own point of view that’s why some people get succeed to get over their problems and some might not be.
Actually Problem is not at all the core thing to focus on. We just need to focus on the solution of that problem rather thinking that how big this problem is.  The only solution to Every Problem is just change the way you look the problem.
Certainly there are people who are good to handle their problems but thinking on the other aspect of a thing may be making you realize that “It is not a problem at all”.
Recently I had a fight with my girlfriend (who is certainly my Ex after that fight) and I was complaining so many things while she was just ignoring me so that we could get out of this all. She had her own way of looking at this fight and my perception was completely different from her. I was little late to understand the exact situation before I could understand the different aspect from which she was looking. And finally she decided to leave me and left me as well. I don’t say here I was right & she was not or she was right & I was not but because of our different way of thinking we couldn’t get relieved from this problem.  
Here I just might have needed to change my perception. And I might have succeeded to get her back.
Final words:
This is again a free advice to you all.
“Don’t look for problem it only can be as bigger as mountain but just look for the solution may be this can be as small as a needle”
Stay Problem free.
Stay healthy and fit
Kamal R

Monday, July 22, 2013

Gyan "The Knowledge"

''Gyan Batne se Badhta hai'' (When You share your knowledge your wisdom enhances)
You must have heard this proverb in Hindi. But is this really applicable in today's life style? Do you really think you do it to enhance your knowledge or wisdom? Just think for a second. What does it real mean & how real people use it? or are they really use it or not?
Well almost everybody must have an idol in his/her life. He/she can be a businessman, an employee, a star, a sportsperson, CEO of a Company, your Father, Mother, Brother or anyone else. So just think about your Idol (excluding your father, mother and brother though they would be your real well-wisher) & try to fit them in this proverb. Are they really do this? Are they sharing their knowledge and experience with you the upcoming talent?
I'm not blaming anybody but the nature has been changed and continuously be changing. People's self confidence, self belief has been converted into ''Ego''.
Let's suppose if you want to be an Engineer or a doctor or any body else in the society and you are following somebody who can have some treasure of his knowledge & experience and wisdom and when you approach him would he be really help you to find out the right way? Most of them just share their success that will definitely excite you to make quick decisions of what to do and should you move into this or not? But they don't tell you the real story (mostly 75 % don't).
They just give you lectures not lessons. They don't believe in sharing their Failures with the rest. They just celebrate their success. I'm not writing this not to make you against your Idols. but just try to draw your attention towards reality.
Everybody starts from a scratch so if you follow somebody follow him/her from the moment he started.
Actually there would always be some hesitation to accept somebody & his perception who is known when he/she tries to do something out of the box. So for those who have desires to do something unique then don't try to convince your near ones to accept you but target the audience who are unknown to you. As they start liking your concepts they will try to follow you from the start rather your near ones won't understand this concept.
Kamal R

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Thought Process

The Thought Process

Every individual is unique and he has a unique thought process as well. There is a very thin line between playing good and playing great. It is not about talent or potential one possesses but it is all about to deliver. Now how one's thought process plays a vital role in getting results.
Whenever one decides to do something he wants to do; his thought process makes him confused most of the times. Being an optimist or positive thinker does not make much difference if there is a little hint of doubt in mind.
  Every time one overcomes the hurdles; the journey becomes harder and harder. Every-time one steps up towards his success; the staircase becomes smaller in size & height becomes more higher. As one progresses towards his aim ''fear'' climbs up as higher as he is on. Fear of loosing momentum, fear of happening something wrong & creating hurdle of his own success.
  Everyone starts from zero. Right? So as higher you are from zero as higher your fear would be of loosing. And whenever you start with doubt in your mind, I guarantee you never get succeed.
You must have one of these two things to start with either a strong Belief system or a strong Passion.
I have explained in my previous Blogs about Belief System You can take a look here.
 I know one thing that if you want to throw this fear out of yourself the kid inside you must be alive.
A 3 years old child doesn't play game to win or loose he just plays to enjoy. He doesn't have fear to loose. He doesn't think what would happen if he looses or wins. He just enjoys those moments without giving any thought to it.
So every time you want to proceed and get success you must be fearless. And you would be fearless when you behave like a kid. 
Don't bother about what others think and what your mind says. Just do it in childish way and you will be Successful because you would not have fear.
All The Best.
Stay Updated.
Kamal R