Showing posts with label Life means?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life means?. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013



A Happy Thought
Being happy is an awesome feeling for everybody. Happiness is the power you live for. This is the thing for which you do hard work from morning till night. Mostly might have thought that I’m talking about money here. But I must clear out that I’m not talking about money rather money is a necessary thing for surviving. But a real pleasure can give you the real motive of your life.
In this era value of happiness is being changed for everybody. Obviously one must have aim of his life but he has made his life dependent of that particular thing.
First we set goals; we achieve them & set new goals to achieve. That is what our life has been meant to us. Mostly people search happiness in these things. But this type of happiness is not permanent.
Just suppose one is looking forward to achieve something in his life and finally one day he achieved his goal & he gets happy for achieving his goal. But at the next moment he desires for the newer goals & again he involves himself into his work to achieve the newer set goal. He does not have time to be happy for his achievements. Every time he gets his goal his desires lead him to work for his next goal. As it is a human tendency “when we achieve something we desire for something bigger than what we have achieved.” So ultimately we have time to set new goals & we think that it would give us a great pleasure or happiness. But we don’t have time to enjoy that achievement. Actually we have the pleasure but on temporary basis.  
Now different people have different set of desires like somebody gets happy to earn money; somebody to get respect; somebody to achieve & somebody to help others. Different people have their own credentials’ to be happy. But all is for temporary period.
I always talk about internal pleasure.
If one can play guitar well & he only plays when girls are around to impress them. Then that is not the real pleasure what I’m talking about. That is just for temporary period. The real desire is to impress girls not to play guitar. But if you can play guitar when you are all alone & that brings smile on your face or makes you feel the satisfaction that would be the real pleasure.
Obviously this is the era of competition for everybody in any field. The basic motto of one’s life must be to get his happiness. But the standards change with time. Now people live to earn, to get respect, to be famous, to be somebody in the society. But nobody lives to get happy. (I congratulate those who live for happiness of their lives.)
There are ups & downs in one’s life & both are essential part of life.
A real pleasure or happiness gives you power to survive in the bad phase of your life.
We compare things to motivate ourselves to be happy. We just create conditions to be happy. As we would achieve this we would have been a happy person. And immediately we set new one.
It’s a free advice to all and to me. Just live to enjoy every moment of your life. Life is valuable so live it to its best.
Stay happy & stay updated.
Kamal R
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