Showing posts with label point of view. Show all posts
Showing posts with label point of view. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

How to get relieve of your problems

How to get relieve of your problems

Welcome All to "The Transformation"
An optimistic always thinks that life is the other name of opportunities. But it has some high class hurdles also. As Failure is important to get Success these hurdles are also important parts of life.
Every individual, from a one day child to a 101 years old person, has his own problems. I think Nobody on this Earth is satisfied.
One of my friends does not have a Job that’s why he is in tension. Another friend has so many options so that he is in tension. One has Job in his own field but away from home so that he is in tension.
I think everybody on this Earth has a lots & lots of problems. But every individual is Unique. He has different views on different aspects of life. He has a different Thought Process.  He handles a problem from his own point of view that’s why some people get succeed to get over their problems and some might not be.
Actually Problem is not at all the core thing to focus on. We just need to focus on the solution of that problem rather thinking that how big this problem is.  The only solution to Every Problem is just change the way you look the problem.
Certainly there are people who are good to handle their problems but thinking on the other aspect of a thing may be making you realize that “It is not a problem at all”.
Recently I had a fight with my girlfriend (who is certainly my Ex after that fight) and I was complaining so many things while she was just ignoring me so that we could get out of this all. She had her own way of looking at this fight and my perception was completely different from her. I was little late to understand the exact situation before I could understand the different aspect from which she was looking. And finally she decided to leave me and left me as well. I don’t say here I was right & she was not or she was right & I was not but because of our different way of thinking we couldn’t get relieved from this problem.  
Here I just might have needed to change my perception. And I might have succeeded to get her back.
Final words:
This is again a free advice to you all.
“Don’t look for problem it only can be as bigger as mountain but just look for the solution may be this can be as small as a needle”
Stay Problem free.
Stay healthy and fit
Kamal R