Showing posts with label failure is an achievement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label failure is an achievement. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Being Failure is an Achievement.....!!!!!

Being a Failure is an Achievement….!!!!
You might have confused after reading this title, anybody could be. But whatever you are reading is absolutely right. Being a Failure is an Achievement.
You might have taken it in another way and might be thinking author has become mad. But I can bet on it whatever I have written above is right. And it would have been proved when you really realize it then you would definitely say that it is a great achievement.
I explained a lot of times in my previous blogs that live for yourself & listen to your inner voice and do according to that.
Most of the times you might have been scolded by your loved ones on asking about your future plans like what you want to do in life or telling why don’t you try in that particular field(which might have different from your core stream).  This is really frustrating, I know, but at these moments one thing is very important which is your inner world.
Many a times we live in fantasies or in Imaginations. That must be kept alive all the time. Those are the real hopes for them who are drowning down in the sea. That is the time when your real character would be tested.
Don’t afraid, Good phase gives you Happiness and Bad phase teaches you Lessons. Keep your mind open & keep your inner world alive.  
Just avoid everything and listen what your inner world tells you. Do what you want to do in reality.
That might be less luxurious but effectively will be more adorable to you. Just live for yourself.  Nobody cares for you when you are facing Failures. Just do what you want to do and achieve what would give you peace and real happiness.
You may have lots of money in your bank account but if you don’t have peace of mind everything would be wasted. And when you do what your heart say to you people might call you ‘Mad’. But don’t lose heart because if people don’t call you ‘Mad’ you probably might not be on the right track.
So just be positive when you get Failure & say to the world, “Yes, I’m a big Failure and this is my Achievement”.