Showing posts with label how to write. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to write. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills

"How to Improve Writing Skills"

Hello Guys. Welcome to “The Transformation”.
In my previous Blogs Being Failure is my Achievement, Motivation by Inspiration, Gyan " The Knowledge"  I was writing only Inspirational and Motivational Articles only.  

So here I’m going to tell you something informational “How to improve writing skills”.

This would not make a world class author but provide you some basic knowledge that will help you to write a good and healthy article or a Blog. Certainly it is not a big thing to write but definitely it requires ability to write Impressive content that would turn your visitors into your Readers.  

Here I’m going to share my secret how I do write my Blog Articles. I just follow these guidelines
  • Be Original 
  • Have Patience
Being patient is the trick which works for me. I always try to listen or read something carefully. As it may be the title or topic of my next blog.
Every individual has his own unique way of thinking. That’s why some are Successful or some might not be in managing their thoughts.

These are the important gradients when you start to write something.

Be Original:

When you start to write just make sure that whatever you write must be original in content. Do not copy your content. Just write what you really follow in your real life. People will follow you if and only if you do follow what you are saying others through your articles or blog. Just be original.

Be Patient:

Have patience while you are thinking to write something. Just consider these tips before you think to write your content.     
  • Observe Carefully  
  • Analyze  Content 
  •  Finally Write

Observe Carefully:

Now what you have to do to observe is just “Listen Everything & Everybody”. As I already told you Everybody is unique in the way of managing their thoughts. So it could be better for you and your writing skills to listen everything and everybody. This is the very first step in writing.


It is not necessary that Whatever you have listened must be Good or Impressive. So just Analyze what you have listened whether it would match with your thought System or Would it require some changes according to what you think about it.
Every coin has its two sides so just make sure you would consider both sides of the coin and then finalize with your content.
Here I’m not telling you to copy your content but take some inspiration and write what you really want to say.  


When you are done with the above steps you are finally ready to write your article. Above steps are necessary because it is important to understand you first before you give some suggestions or information to others.

Final words: 
Hope these tips will help you to generate Quality Content. Certainly It helped me a lot in my writing skills. For anything you want to ask me about this you can comment below. I would love to reply your queries as soon as possible. Be original and Have patience.

Kamal R