Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Thought Process

The Thought Process

Every individual is unique and he has a unique thought process as well. There is a very thin line between playing good and playing great. It is not about talent or potential one possesses but it is all about to deliver. Now how one's thought process plays a vital role in getting results.
Whenever one decides to do something he wants to do; his thought process makes him confused most of the times. Being an optimist or positive thinker does not make much difference if there is a little hint of doubt in mind.
  Every time one overcomes the hurdles; the journey becomes harder and harder. Every-time one steps up towards his success; the staircase becomes smaller in size & height becomes more higher. As one progresses towards his aim ''fear'' climbs up as higher as he is on. Fear of loosing momentum, fear of happening something wrong & creating hurdle of his own success.
  Everyone starts from zero. Right? So as higher you are from zero as higher your fear would be of loosing. And whenever you start with doubt in your mind, I guarantee you never get succeed.
You must have one of these two things to start with either a strong Belief system or a strong Passion.
I have explained in my previous Blogs about Belief System You can take a look here.
 I know one thing that if you want to throw this fear out of yourself the kid inside you must be alive.
A 3 years old child doesn't play game to win or loose he just plays to enjoy. He doesn't have fear to loose. He doesn't think what would happen if he looses or wins. He just enjoys those moments without giving any thought to it.
So every time you want to proceed and get success you must be fearless. And you would be fearless when you behave like a kid. 
Don't bother about what others think and what your mind says. Just do it in childish way and you will be Successful because you would not have fear.
All The Best.
Stay Updated.
Kamal R