Thursday, August 1, 2013

Five Effective ways to get out of Frustration

Five Effective ways to get out of Frustration

Being frustrated is very common problem of one’s daily life. There are things which lead you to be frustrated. Here I’m not going to explain which results in frustration. But I’m going to tell you about the solution to get out of the frustration.
1st way: Take a pillow or a punching bag & punch until your frustration goes down. As when one get frustrated or get angry over a thing or a person, one always look forward to target that thing or that person. At these moments one look to attack which is natural. So pillow is a better option than to target a person. It would be beneficial in another way as well that pillow would not reply you back after being punched by you.

2nd way:  Now being in a relationship or having a best friend benefits you at this moment. As sharing is a method to find out the way to celebrate in happiness & to find out the solution in problems. When one shares his emotions with others, it drives him into a close relationship & he can find a way to get out of his problems as well. When someone makes you feel confident whether you are right or wrong, that is the person who can make you believe in yourself & get out of these situations & feel awesome.
3rd way: the next way is for those who do not have good friends or who do not believe in sharing their personal life with others. Make it a habit to write moments your daily life on a paper or in a diary rather you can post that paper to the person who creates frustration for you but with terms & conditions apply because how that person would react is completely unpredictable. It is called as “Virtual Relationship”.

4th way: meditation can be a great measure against frustration. Meditation allows your mind to be calm & makes you to have control on your mind. To control your mind means you would be able to control your emotions. You can stand out neutral at peak situations like when there would be extreme surprising situation & in extreme shocking situation as well. So just do it regularly & make you a peaceful & cool person.
5th way: this is the coolest way to get out of these situations. Do what you most likely to do. Don’t think on the situation; don’t think what others think about you. Just do what you like to do. Use your habits & interests to find out the way to get relaxed. You can sing, dance, play or paint. The interests which give you internal pleasure make ways for you to get out of these situations. There are important measures to find out the best way which gives you immense pleasure. Just compare your interest against money & time you will find the answer. The thing you can do without giving the second thought to money & time is the thing which can help you.
Apart from the entire methods one most important thing which is necessary is “not to react immediately”.
Everything fails if you react immediately. Just take a pause for some seconds before reacting before someone or for something. Get your breath back and analyze the situation & find out the best way to get out of it accordingly.
Hope this would help you out.
Stay updated.
Kamal R.

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