Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pencil Sketch of GOD of Cricket

Welcome to "The Transformation".
Welcome to Sketch Art.

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar known for his contribution to Cricket. Master Blaster named as the 'God Of Cricket' by the rest of the cricket world and fans. He is the only batsman who have a long really long list of record. May God Bless him always.

Friday, May 23, 2014

You are So Special

You are so SPECIAL.

Hi All, It’s been a long time But here I am with all this.

I don’t know why people compare one with others. It does happen across every house now-a-days when Parents say, “SHARMA JI KA LADKA BANGLORE MEIN JOB KARTA HAI...40000 SALARY LETA HAI TU KUCH KARTA KYUN NI.”

I mean what’s the logic if SHARMAJI KA LADKA 40,000 KMATA HAI N MAIN KUCH NI. Just give me a Break. If I don’t have a 40,000 salary that doesn’t mean I don’t deserve respect or I’m not capable of. But “IN PARENTS KO KAUN SAMJHAYE??”
I’m sure this story belongs to every Young Individual who just could not get his Dream Job rather I know Being Jobless is a really tough Job to carry on.
Actually it’s not only about PARENTS because sometimes they understand in which phase you are going through when you mendaciously make them understand about you being Jobless. Like “MARKET MEIN JOB HAIN HI KAHA” or “WO FRIEND KAH RAHA THA KI ELECTIONS KE BAAD OPENINGS HI OPENINGS HAIN.” But one thing All Parents sure about their child that Not now but certainly their child will let them feel proud.

 There are a group of People(mostly Undesirable) in Everyone’s life who just get recruited to criticize you. You might not have as much tension as they have about you and your life.


And We smilingly Congratulate her for encouraging our mother to take our personal Interview about being Jobless. (Meanwhile Our emotions about Bittoo rise up and we just wish “BITTOO TU MIL TO SAHI EK BAAR”

Isn’t It embarrassing? I mean how could you compare me with anyone else who is completely different creature of GOD?
Then our parents expect us to visit these type of Relatives. “TU KAHI ATA JATA KYUN NI HAIN KAHI AAYA JAYA KAR”

Everyone on this Earth is a different creature, have different ways of life and views. Everyone can not be a DOCTOR, an IAS or An Engineer. (I mean maybe an engineer). So let them Decide what they want to be and how they do it.

Success is always favourable but it will be fantastic when you achieve it on your own terms; with your true passion.

“Don’t compare Anyone with Anyone else.”

“Believe me YOU are very Special.”

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Being Physical is Important.

Hi Everybody.
It has been a long time I haven't written something. But now I'm back with my new article.
Is this really necessary to be physical in a relationship? How important the sex is in your relationship? Would your relationship survive without sex? Can lack of Intimacy be the cause for a break up?
I think being physical or having sexual closeness with your partner is necessary to have a healthy & mature relationship.
Intimacy between couple comes naturally. It is the best way to express your love and affection to your partner. You may say ''I Love YOU'' lot of times in a day to your partner but nothing can express your feelings better than a physical Intimacy.
Everybody wants a sense of openness and closeness in a relationship. Everybody has needs and it is necessary to be fulfilled. There may have some people who maintain and manage their relationship without sex and it could be because either one or both people in relationship have their own limitations and reservations or because they want to preserve their 'Virginity' till marriage.
But I think it's difficult to survive for a relationship without sex & sometimes Sex comes before Love.
Sex adds spice to a relationship & is extremely important as everybody has sexual needs that need to be satisfied.
Basically it is not the matter that could a relation survive without sex or not but the matter is 'how long through'.♥♥
Although it is important but not to do sex just to please your partner. As I already mentioned, ''it is the best way to show what you feel and how much you care about your partner.''
So overall, love is the basic requirement to make/start a relationship & sex plays a vital role in keeping it going.
Kamal R

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Just Relationship"

Welcome to "The Transformation".

Just Relationship

Hi, Welcome back guys.

Today when I am writing this article there are so much negativity around me but still I take a chance to write this with so much positivity and maybe I would get succeed to write something useful to you.

Now I’m sharing here about relationships. Recently I have posted on my Facebook wall “Being in a relationship is not worthy at all”. So one of my friends posted a note about what he thinks about Relationships with the title “Why Relationships fail?” 

So I have taken some inspiration from there as well.

I think relationship needs only one thing that is “Trust”.  As far as there is trust in your relationship your relation exists. I don’t say relationship even survive without Love, care, affection and all. These are necessity of a true relationship. But most important is trust.

Most of the relationships break because of lack of trust. When one of the two partners doubt on other one relationship starts to get close to its end (conditions apply). #Self_Experienced.

One thing that matters a lot is situation. I personally trust that “when someone betray/leave his/her partner there must be some issue behind it” (If real relationship exists).

In Hindi:
Uski Bbhi Kuch Majburia Hongi’
Koi Bewajah Bewaffa ni Hota.

People think if there is any doubt in their relation so it would hurt and it’s over now. But it starts to get to close to its end when those doubts are not cleared. If your partner doubts you then instead of reacting negative on him/her it’s better to understand his/her state of mind at that time and the situation in which he/she is.  Maybe you would find that you would also react same as he/she did when you would be on his/her place at that situation. So when you have the chance to save your relation then don’t waste time to just save your relation.

Some people start ignoring their partners on these situations. It would certainly go worse than it and you would finally lose your partner. Just don’t ignore your partner and have a chat on the matter before critical situation appears when you have nothing but The Guilt of your Relationship.

Lack of communication only creates a Non cross-able river between couple. So don’t create it for yourself it’s better to have a healthy conversation and have a result instead of lack of communication & end of a relationship.

When people allege their partners then they might have a different point of view you just need to clear up the doubts & change the angle from which they are trying to understand the situation.
Hope this would help you find a better way to treat your partner & Relation.
Be Healthy & Take Care.
Kamal R


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who is Your "BEST FRIEND"?

Welcome to "The Transformation"

Who is Your Best Friend?

Welcome All.
This is my gift to you all on this Friendship day (4th August, 2013).

Yesterday was certainly a Life Changing Day for me. There were lots of ups and downs for me individually but I found someone, who really cares for me and would stand with me when I would be in need.

Everybody on this Earth seeks at least for one person who is “True” to him/her. There is always a special place for That Person who remains with you in every situation and condition. Everybody needs that someone with whom he/she can share everything even those moments which he could not share with anybody. Everybody needs a ‘True Friend’.

It is always demanding to be genuine to your friend as I think friend has more importance than your wife/husband. You don’t share every moment with your Parents, not with your husband/wife, not with someone else but with Friend whom you consider ‘Genuine’ to you.

When we start a relation with someone we always think that he/she would remain genuine to us. But mostly we find out with time who is your Genuinely True friend.  A friend is someone who understands the meaning behind this word ‘Friend’.

Friend is someone who will be there for you always; celebrating your success with you when you get your dream job; consoling you when you get rejected in your interview; telling you that he/she is not worth your respect, care and love when you get Breakup with your gf/bf; scolding you when you make a mistake when you miss your mark. Friend is always making you feel what your real worth is.

In the start of this article I shared that I found someone who will be my True friend and will remain true to me. Yesterday I met with “Kamal Rewri” and I know he would remain Genuine till the end of my Life. I have some good friends and a Best Friend (other than myself) as well. Time changes continuously; situation will change with time, some would remain in my life some would leave me but I will not leave myself in any situation. My priority will remain the same to me; it will not change with situation. I will remain the first priority of Myself.

I’m not saying that the friends you have will change according to the situation but you are the only one who will remain genuine to you till the end of your life nothing else. But we always need the one outside us with whom we can share everything.

Friends are the Treasure of Life. So please keep your Friendship alive. Being lonely just gives you pain nothing else.

 So this is my advice to Everybody.

“Be Genuine, Be true. If there is something wrong happened in your relationship then calls your friend and tell him/her how Important he/she is in your life. This is the time so Just do it. Don’t think what he/she would think and how he/she would react just tell him/her his/her importance”

Kamal R

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Motivation by Inspiration

Motivation by Inspiration

Quiet similar words but having a great difference in meaning.
I always heard that to meet the GOD you must need a GODFATHER.
Most of the times it is justified because everything in this world has become achievable by shortcuts.
And shortcuts always require someone who guides you to get your destination.
There is always having a stage with everyone in his/her life when he/she needs Motivation.
We need a kick start to move ahead continuously.
Most of the times we are right but we don’t have courage to say it & take a decision according to that. Many a time you must have listened if you want to be like someone, you need to get some guidance from that someone & most of the time it is said” you must be Somebody because now days those somebodies are having great demands & they are paid a lot.
Right ….!!!!!!!!
But nobody cares who you are & what you want to do.
Sometime you may get the feeling that you could not do anything & everything seems unachievable.
You are exhausted by your daily routine, your dear and near ones because they always want you to be at the top without knowing the fact that what you are capable of & in which field.
I also had a phase when I was irritated & frustrated with myself & anyone else. I didn’t have that courage to face my problems.
I was running continuously but in opposite direction.
You must have heard about Mr Sandeep Maheshwari in my last Blogs.
He is the man who changed my outlook towards life.
I am not a philosopher or a very high classed typical successful person who always tries to give you lectures. But I have that courage to say you all I will be successful one day.
I have faith in my capabilities. To be successful, you need not to run hard towards your aim, but you just need to make sure that you are on the right path and you would continuously move ahead.
There is a minor difference between Motivation & Inspiration.
Motivation leads you to believe that You can do it.
Inspiration leads you to understand what you can do & how.
And both are essentials of our daily life.
I faced so many interviews and got rejected many a time. But I always know when I would be outside the interview room, I would be telling to myself that this time I would definitely get selected because I heard a thing that says……..
Whatever happens, happens for the BEST
There is nothing like Bad Luck in this world because
Jo bhi hota hai ache ke liye e hota hai
You just need to put your foot on the accelerator & make sure that you are on the right path.
So whenever you need to get motivation, just be near to your best buddies as you may have lost that faith in yourself but your best buddies will not.
And whenever you need Inspiration just listen to yourself because there is no bigger Inspiration than yourself in this world.
Stay healthy.
Stay motivated.
All the best
Kamal R

Gradients in the Recipe of Life

Searching….. Searching………. Searching………. Searching……!!!!

Still searching The Next Topic of my Blog.
My College Life………Done
Love Life……………...Done
What has been left now? I don’t know what to write next.
Actually I need some suggestions from you guys. I require feedback from you. Positive or negative whatever it may be but I need this from you.
Some of my close friends complimented me on my Last Blog. One called me “Kamal the Writer”. The other one suggested me to write a novel. I thanked them.
I can’t talk to everybody to know the status of my Blog. So please, I request you all, do comment on my Blog. Give me some suggestions or feedback about my writing skills so that I can improve.

Gradients in the Recipe of Life
I start with the sentence,” Success comes from Experience & Experience comes from Bad Experiences.” 
That means to enjoy your Success fully you must be a failure in the past. Here failure means Experience. In this world, if you want to be at the top, you must start form the ground. Then step by step move up & continuously aiming for your aim & that will definitely let you be at the top.
There are some important gradients in the recipe of Life that would make you a Successful Human Being.
  •        Positivity
  •       Calmness
  •       Passion
  •      Doer
These all are complementary to each other. If one of them stated above is missing, you will be lacking in your life.
Positivity:- It is easy to say that I’m optimistic or a positive thinker. But in reality No human being can control his thoughts.
A Human Being thinks on more than 50,000 thoughts in a day. He has not have command on his thoughts. It’s a natural process.
It is mandatory where ever there is light, there must be a darker side (shadow).
Same is applicable with this Positivity comes with Negativity.
Now the question arises how to manage to be positive? The only solution is to be a good listener/observer. Until you don’t analyse a thought you could not say whether it is a Positive one or Negative one. To remain Positive you must concentrate on Positive only.
You just need to set your measures to decide what is positive & what is negative…!
Just keep the positive ones with you & ignore the rest.
Calmness:- Why calmness?
 To take any right decision of your life you must consider both sides of the coin & for that you must be calm & relax. Because..
Ek sahi Kaam ko karne ke liye Josh ke sath sath Hosh Ki bhi Jarurat hoti hai”
Passion:- Passion leads any Impossible thing into Reality.
Every time you decide to do something you need to have that passion to do it right. Without it I don’t think one can achieve something.
Whenever you feel that you have a strong desire to do a particular thing that means you have strong passion to do that.
 Whatever which gives you happiness without having the second thought develop a Passion within you.
Doer:- If you are having all the above stated qualities but you are not a DOER then it is all waste. Until you don’t have courage to pursue your desire into reality everything is waste.
So just do it.
When you have taken Positivity, you have a great Passion & have the Calmness required then Just be a Doer & Do it.
Do it for your Passion, for your Success, for your Life.
Thank you all.
Hope this will help you.
I will be waiting for your feedback.
Kamal R.