Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Experience Is a Great Teacher!!!

Welcome to "The Transformation".

Experience is a great teacher.

Before you go ahead and read this please make sure you are well prepared to read this. Do not read this to judge me or my writing skills. If you're really interested to know what my opinion is only then go ahead and read it. All the very best.

They say, "Experience and wisdom comes with age."

Experience, good or bad, is a great pioneer to your next step. Some may agree, some might not. Some would say why to make mistakes and get experience while we can learn from others' mistakes and experiences. Though it is important but personal experiences leave an indelible impression on our minds that are long lasting and invaluable. Like a good teacher her lessons are very thorough and we can only ignore it, to our own peril.

First of all, what ever we learn through our own experiences is long lasting. As anything what we learn from others, we forget that pretty quickly. As we are not aware of the process, we over look the advices and suggestions. But when we go through the struggles and hurdles ourselves we experience the whole process. This hand on experience help us to remember our journey and keep us alert for long time.

Secondly, in addition to extended impact learning by own experiences is most informative and understandable. When we realise something ourselves, we understand that more. These experiments and inference help us to master.

We learn from everything we do, in fact life is one great journey of learning. We learn patience when faced with adversity, courage in face of danger and wisdom from our mistakes. We must learn something from our own life to make our future better and ready to take care of hardships of our lives. It is very Unfortunate that some of us learn this lesson very late in life.

However in this short span of life we should therefore, not only from our own experience but also profit from others' experiences. This would save us from many a pitfall and the unnecessary labour that goes with it.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Love People or Leave People

Welcome to "The Transformation".

People come and go!!

Feelings remain in the heart. People live in the hearts. Time never return, even you can't follow the time. The best you can do is to remain in touch with people to whom do you think they are close to you. Take out time from your busy schedule to meet and to Re-Live those moments which you will always cherish.

If you are attached to someone please go and share your attachment to him/her. Maybe you do not get another chance to live these moments again. Go and live your life.

Rise and Shine.

Kamal R

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gradients in the Recipe of Life

Searching….. Searching………. Searching………. Searching……!!!!

Still searching The Next Topic of my Blog.
My College Life………Done
Love Life……………...Done
What has been left now? I don’t know what to write next.
Actually I need some suggestions from you guys. I require feedback from you. Positive or negative whatever it may be but I need this from you.
Some of my close friends complimented me on my Last Blog. One called me “Kamal the Writer”. The other one suggested me to write a novel. I thanked them.
I can’t talk to everybody to know the status of my Blog. So please, I request you all, do comment on my Blog. Give me some suggestions or feedback about my writing skills so that I can improve.

Gradients in the Recipe of Life
I start with the sentence,” Success comes from Experience & Experience comes from Bad Experiences.” 
That means to enjoy your Success fully you must be a failure in the past. Here failure means Experience. In this world, if you want to be at the top, you must start form the ground. Then step by step move up & continuously aiming for your aim & that will definitely let you be at the top.
There are some important gradients in the recipe of Life that would make you a Successful Human Being.
  •        Positivity
  •       Calmness
  •       Passion
  •      Doer
These all are complementary to each other. If one of them stated above is missing, you will be lacking in your life.
Positivity:- It is easy to say that I’m optimistic or a positive thinker. But in reality No human being can control his thoughts.
A Human Being thinks on more than 50,000 thoughts in a day. He has not have command on his thoughts. It’s a natural process.
It is mandatory where ever there is light, there must be a darker side (shadow).
Same is applicable with this Positivity comes with Negativity.
Now the question arises how to manage to be positive? The only solution is to be a good listener/observer. Until you don’t analyse a thought you could not say whether it is a Positive one or Negative one. To remain Positive you must concentrate on Positive only.
You just need to set your measures to decide what is positive & what is negative…!
Just keep the positive ones with you & ignore the rest.
Calmness:- Why calmness?
 To take any right decision of your life you must consider both sides of the coin & for that you must be calm & relax. Because..
Ek sahi Kaam ko karne ke liye Josh ke sath sath Hosh Ki bhi Jarurat hoti hai”
Passion:- Passion leads any Impossible thing into Reality.
Every time you decide to do something you need to have that passion to do it right. Without it I don’t think one can achieve something.
Whenever you feel that you have a strong desire to do a particular thing that means you have strong passion to do that.
 Whatever which gives you happiness without having the second thought develop a Passion within you.
Doer:- If you are having all the above stated qualities but you are not a DOER then it is all waste. Until you don’t have courage to pursue your desire into reality everything is waste.
So just do it.
When you have taken Positivity, you have a great Passion & have the Calmness required then Just be a Doer & Do it.
Do it for your Passion, for your Success, for your Life.
Thank you all.
Hope this will help you.
I will be waiting for your feedback.
Kamal R.