Showing posts with label best friend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best friend. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who is Your "BEST FRIEND"?

Welcome to "The Transformation"

Who is Your Best Friend?

Welcome All.
This is my gift to you all on this Friendship day (4th August, 2013).

Yesterday was certainly a Life Changing Day for me. There were lots of ups and downs for me individually but I found someone, who really cares for me and would stand with me when I would be in need.

Everybody on this Earth seeks at least for one person who is “True” to him/her. There is always a special place for That Person who remains with you in every situation and condition. Everybody needs that someone with whom he/she can share everything even those moments which he could not share with anybody. Everybody needs a ‘True Friend’.

It is always demanding to be genuine to your friend as I think friend has more importance than your wife/husband. You don’t share every moment with your Parents, not with your husband/wife, not with someone else but with Friend whom you consider ‘Genuine’ to you.

When we start a relation with someone we always think that he/she would remain genuine to us. But mostly we find out with time who is your Genuinely True friend.  A friend is someone who understands the meaning behind this word ‘Friend’.

Friend is someone who will be there for you always; celebrating your success with you when you get your dream job; consoling you when you get rejected in your interview; telling you that he/she is not worth your respect, care and love when you get Breakup with your gf/bf; scolding you when you make a mistake when you miss your mark. Friend is always making you feel what your real worth is.

In the start of this article I shared that I found someone who will be my True friend and will remain true to me. Yesterday I met with “Kamal Rewri” and I know he would remain Genuine till the end of my Life. I have some good friends and a Best Friend (other than myself) as well. Time changes continuously; situation will change with time, some would remain in my life some would leave me but I will not leave myself in any situation. My priority will remain the same to me; it will not change with situation. I will remain the first priority of Myself.

I’m not saying that the friends you have will change according to the situation but you are the only one who will remain genuine to you till the end of your life nothing else. But we always need the one outside us with whom we can share everything.

Friends are the Treasure of Life. So please keep your Friendship alive. Being lonely just gives you pain nothing else.

 So this is my advice to Everybody.

“Be Genuine, Be true. If there is something wrong happened in your relationship then calls your friend and tell him/her how Important he/she is in your life. This is the time so Just do it. Don’t think what he/she would think and how he/she would react just tell him/her his/her importance”

Kamal R