Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Power of Acceptance

Most of the people on earth do not have the courage to accept who they are.
To be original one must accept himself in every situation, with his capabilities, his nature and his disabilities as well. The best way to lead your life is to accept all your capabilities & disabilities. Because so much sugar can be dangerous to health. There is always as importance of salt in the food as the sugar in a desert.
The right amount of sugar and salt in your food lead you a healthy life.
So to make balance in one's life one must accept all his positive & negative points. But normally people fail to accept their negative points because they want to show the world that they are perfect in all respective of life.
I don't know why people avoid to accept their faults.
Being accepted of both your abilities & disabilities make you lead a perfect life rather I would say there is nothing like perfect life. But if one accept all good & bad reviews of life he can lead a perfect life.
If there is a Day(Sunrise) then there is night(Sunset) as well. But we always look for the limelight of day in our life.
You must enjoy every moment of your life. Because every second of your life is important to you either in happiness or sorrow, in day or in night, in positive or negative. Every second must be cherished to its best. Because you can enjoy your food only if you have hunger.
If one want to change his behavior or improve his behavior towards something so he must accept first to bring about the change. If one can't even accept the faults he commits now he can bring that change in himself.
So to lead a perfect life understand the power of the word ''The Acceptance''.
Accept your weak points to improve and make them your strengths.
So I,Kamal R, is going to bring that change in myself. I accept all my disabilities & faults which I had made in my relationships with my parents, my friends, my relatives, my love & myself.
I accept & promise to everyone & myself, I will take care of the love, care & fight, the sunrise & sunset, the brighter & darker side of my life & your life without which I can not lead a perfect relation & a perfect life.
''Understand the Power of Acceptance.''                        
Kamal R

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Don't misunderstand to understand the misunderstanding

”Don't Misunderstand to Understand the Misunderstanding"
And this would definitely be applicable to all. Misunderstanding creates divide.
It is necessary for a relationship to have love, care and understanding.
No I do not mean that understanding is much more important than love and care but it has its own importance. When someone is in a relationship he may have the blind trust and faith in his partner. Having faith in your partner is good but blind faith is not good at all.
Obviously being possessive and jealous is natural in a relationship but excess of anything can be dangerous.
I'm not against being in a relationship but anything more than required can be getting worse than ever.
Most of the times I saw a minor Misunderstanding leads to divorce or breakup.
Break up from all the love, care, affection & trust.
When you are in a relationship You must be conscious of what is happening around you in your relationship.
It may be very easy for someone to create Misunderstandings and Break the relationship.
Misunderstanding makes you to be out of your own relationship.
Be honest and loveable to your partner and make your relationship as strong so that nobody can try to break your relationship.
I also was the victim of Misunderstanding. I had lost so many relationships just because of some Misunderstanding.
It always requires time to make new friends and make them believe that you are their true friend.
I also had taken so much of time to make those friends and made them realize that I was a genuine guy.
But it was hardly taken a second to be thrown away from all my relationships just because of minor Misunderstandings.
Friendship, love and affection everything needs a second chance.
When you would have believed in your friend, love & partner then make that count at crucial times.
Don't allow anyone else to decide future of your relationships.
Stay calm, stay trusted so that your partner can have that second opportunity to convince you and make you believe that your partner is always with you in your happiness, when you would be sad, when you want to celebrate and when you need someone to hug you & make you feel like you are really special.
Special to your Parents, to your best buddies & to your love.
So it is an advice to all
" Don't misunderstand to understand the Misunderstanding".
Stay healthy, stay awake.
Kamal R

Friday, May 31, 2013

My College Journey........!!!!!!

Chapter 2
I didn’t leave a moment which was not capitalized by me to get near of that girl. She knew everything about my feelings towards her. As time progressed we became good friends & then Best friends. And one day I got a chance & I proposed her.
But my luck was not with me. She refused to get into a relationship & she also told me that she would never get into a relationship during our college life.
I was assured that if she would be wanted to be into a relationship, she would definitely prefer me first. As there were three more boys who were also interested to get into her life.
Meanwhile a trip to Suraj Kund Fair was organized by college management. I wanted to be with her but I didn’t get that chance to be in the same bus in which she was. Before that I was mixed up with my classmates.
One of those three guys was already committed to one of my classmate. And my classmate introduced him to “my so called desire” as they were having the same field of interest.
That was the real turning point of my Love life. After that I made so many mistakes, I ignored my best friend of that time so that she could stay away from that guy. This was the Best time for them (that guy & his friends) to influence “my so called desire” against me & they got succeed.
And that guy dumped his current girlfriend & made a new pair with “my so called desire”. I usually very good with girls but that was the time I used some abbreviations against her (those were taken from Boy’s Dictionary which is written in our mother tongue Hindi).
That was the end of my so called Love Life. And I was again SINGLE with many.
 As in the daily soap serial there is always a vamp who always ready to destroy someone’s happiness, In my real life I had one male vampire who was always with me to destroy my happiness.
He created some misunderstanding between me & some of my classmates. As a result of which I got a fight with them. But there is always someone who helps the HERO to get one step ahead of villain & I had one too.
Finally I got over it & moved on.
I approached one more girl who became my best friend ever. I shared everything with her & she responded me well back.
I always loved to be with her & will love to be.
Sometimes when I was all alone I used to think about “my so called desire” why she did it to me.
Sometimes I assumed that she would be a lover of “money” because at that time I had a shortage of money.
In the rest of my college life I fought for my dignity with some backbiters, some double-faced humans.
I had 3 main rivals of my mine in my college life.
1.    “my so called desire”
2.    That guys who created misunderstanding
3.    A girl who was doing the same job as by that guy, she crated misunderstanding between her group & our group.
So many allegations were imposed to me & my group, you know why, because they (that girl & that guy) got fun doing this.
There were so many other guys who didn’t want me to be with my Best Friend ever. But I want to thank you all who tried to make me dignified above all these bullshits & made my bond strongest with my Best Friend.
And to all three rivals
I have my best buddies just because of you 3, you made me realized this who is my Best Buddy & who is not. Thank you.
Love you All.
Kamal R

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My College Journey....!!!!

Chapter 1
Hey Guys,
I was thinking what should be the topic of my next Blog. Then I thought of sharing my College Life with you all.
Most of you know that I am an Electronics Engineer. Actually I didn’t know that I would have been an Engineer. One of my School Teacher guided me to be an Engineer & to be An ECE Engineer was completely my own decision.
Now First day of My College
Everything was exciting at the 1st day of My College. Like all I also had some Interesting Superstitions regarding College Life. College Life would be very interesting, full of fun & Excitement. We would have an opportunity to meet new people especially” with opposite sex”.
I also had a dream to be mingling with my college life, friend & girlfriend.
On the very first day I saw very exciting faces around me & imagined to be one of my future girlfriends. After that, apart from studies, I made some Good Friends, some friends & some unknown colleagues.
One day at the time of leaving the college I saw a Girl standing outside the main gate & her eyes were searching for someone. At that moment, the story of Hindi movies begins, like “Hwaein Chalne lagi, Duppatta udne lga“.And I was imagining that girl to be mine.
Next day I found someone who was close to that girl & immediately in the evening I approached him to be a bridge between me and her.
I asked him” do you know that girl?”
He replied “yes I do.”
I said “Actually I have a great feeling towards that girl but if you feel something for that girl tell me I would be stepped back.”
He replied “No, No, I don’t have any feeling. I would introduce you to her the next day.”
I said “okay, thanks with heart full of emotions.”
I was in great excitement that night & the next day I was introduced to her & her friend by that guy.
Then first exams (Sessional) of my college life came.
I must share one interesting moment of that sessional. One day when we all (me & my classmates), were preparing for our next evening sessional that boy called me to be come nearby his group (his group involved that girl & her friend including him) , but I refused rather I wanted desperately to be nearby that girl( because I was of shy nature).
Then he told that girl to call me to come up nearby them & challenged her that I (Kamal) would definitely come if she would ask me to come.
& amazingly that happened too as the moment she called me with in a fraction of second I was with them (actually just for her).
How stupid I was for her at that time!!!
Unwantedly I showed my Love & affection to her at that moment.

Kamal R

Sunday, May 26, 2013

''Imagination beyond Reality''

Hey Guys I'm back with my latest blog.

Today I'm going to tell you about my Imagination skills. My imagination beyond reality.
I have heard a thing from Mr. Sandeep Maheshwari that our mind does not understand in words. It thinks in Images. (From ''The Last Life Changing Seminar-by Sandeep Maheshwari)
I have taken lots of positivity from Mr. Sandeep Maheshwari. I do recommend to all to watch his 'The Last Life Changing Seminar'.
I take Imagination as ''Image+Iginition''.
Everybody knows the meaning of both.
Image-the way our mind thinks
Iginition-to start a fire.
My Imagination is the START of my upcoming future. That doesn't mean all of my Imaginations would decide my future. But one of that all would definitely make my future bright. But somewhere sometime I would have been completed all my Imaginations into Reality.
Imagination is a regular part. 24*7 we all imagine for something to happen.
When I was a little kid(rather I'm still a kid), I used to watch me as a cricketer on television, scoring hundreds, taking wickets, celebrating with my team-mates and proudly winning for my NATION. That's what the imagination of every child when he plays cricket, watching his RoleModels to make centuries, breaking the records and making the new ones & imagining himself to be one of them.
As I grew up my Imaginations have become older or may be call as 'Mature'.
When I stepped in my teenage, I got attracted. Attracted towarads different ARTS.
Sometime I imagined to be like sonu nigam & sometime like Amitabh Bachchan, sometime like Shailesh Lohda(A Poet), Sardar Singh(A Hockey Player), Salman Khan & sometime to be like KAMAL REWRI.
Everybody I mentioned above was somewhere in my life making me like himself.
I can sing, dance & write as well. I have that enthusiam ,that energy that makes me a good team player.

I'm an ENGINEER. But amazingly I didn't imagine to be an Engineer. I just wanted to be rich so I chose this profession.
But something that I imagined for so long I didn't choose that as a Profession.
''Strange but Reality.''
I didn't think & I don't think that I would not be one of them. I imagined but I didn't try to be like that.
I could be a great singer, an Actor or a sports person. But I'm an ''Engineer''. That doesn't mean I compromised with all my wishes & desires.
Still I love my Imaginations. Whenever I would get a chance I sing like Sonu Nigam, act like Amitabh & Salman, play like Sardar Singh & Kapil Dev and write like Shailesh Lohda. But most importantly I feel like KAMAL REWRI who is always with me, comlaining, complimenting, commenting & appreciating my efforts to be like ''Myself''.
''My Imaginations Beyond Reality''
Kamal R.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Last Night Dream

Hello guys,
I'm back again.
I had a nightmare the other night. I dreamt I was bungee jumping, that's when you throw yourself off the bridge and your feet are attached to an elasticated rope that pulls you back again.
I didn't do the jump properly, in fact I did it extremely badly because I feel only a few meters and was dangling dangerously just below the bridge for ages.
Then I woke up and thanked my GOD enthusiastically that it had been only a dream. I lay quietly in bed & wondered how I had come to have such a terrible dream. Then quickly I realized that I had seen this on the television the night before showing some students bungee jumping.
I never have to find an excuse to go to this type of trips but somewhere I am terrified of doing these stunts.
But in future I want to convert this nightmare into reality for the obvious reason that I love sports & I love adventure as well. Hope I would get a chance to do this in future.
Thanks guys for being patient.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My first Blog

As my blog's heading is "My Experiences", whatever I would post , will be from my own experience,what I feel, what I have experienced.
My Blogger's ID is that doesn't mean that I'm imposing myself to be OPTIMISTIC, But this is "A START".
I don't know what I'm going to write here because I really didn't think about it.
Hope you all would love to hear from me. Thanks. love u all.