Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Last Night Dream

Hello guys,
I'm back again.
I had a nightmare the other night. I dreamt I was bungee jumping, that's when you throw yourself off the bridge and your feet are attached to an elasticated rope that pulls you back again.
I didn't do the jump properly, in fact I did it extremely badly because I feel only a few meters and was dangling dangerously just below the bridge for ages.
Then I woke up and thanked my GOD enthusiastically that it had been only a dream. I lay quietly in bed & wondered how I had come to have such a terrible dream. Then quickly I realized that I had seen this on the television the night before showing some students bungee jumping.
I never have to find an excuse to go to this type of trips but somewhere I am terrified of doing these stunts.
But in future I want to convert this nightmare into reality for the obvious reason that I love sports & I love adventure as well. Hope I would get a chance to do this in future.
Thanks guys for being patient.

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