Friday, May 31, 2013

My College Journey........!!!!!!

Chapter 2
I didn’t leave a moment which was not capitalized by me to get near of that girl. She knew everything about my feelings towards her. As time progressed we became good friends & then Best friends. And one day I got a chance & I proposed her.
But my luck was not with me. She refused to get into a relationship & she also told me that she would never get into a relationship during our college life.
I was assured that if she would be wanted to be into a relationship, she would definitely prefer me first. As there were three more boys who were also interested to get into her life.
Meanwhile a trip to Suraj Kund Fair was organized by college management. I wanted to be with her but I didn’t get that chance to be in the same bus in which she was. Before that I was mixed up with my classmates.
One of those three guys was already committed to one of my classmate. And my classmate introduced him to “my so called desire” as they were having the same field of interest.
That was the real turning point of my Love life. After that I made so many mistakes, I ignored my best friend of that time so that she could stay away from that guy. This was the Best time for them (that guy & his friends) to influence “my so called desire” against me & they got succeed.
And that guy dumped his current girlfriend & made a new pair with “my so called desire”. I usually very good with girls but that was the time I used some abbreviations against her (those were taken from Boy’s Dictionary which is written in our mother tongue Hindi).
That was the end of my so called Love Life. And I was again SINGLE with many.
 As in the daily soap serial there is always a vamp who always ready to destroy someone’s happiness, In my real life I had one male vampire who was always with me to destroy my happiness.
He created some misunderstanding between me & some of my classmates. As a result of which I got a fight with them. But there is always someone who helps the HERO to get one step ahead of villain & I had one too.
Finally I got over it & moved on.
I approached one more girl who became my best friend ever. I shared everything with her & she responded me well back.
I always loved to be with her & will love to be.
Sometimes when I was all alone I used to think about “my so called desire” why she did it to me.
Sometimes I assumed that she would be a lover of “money” because at that time I had a shortage of money.
In the rest of my college life I fought for my dignity with some backbiters, some double-faced humans.
I had 3 main rivals of my mine in my college life.
1.    “my so called desire”
2.    That guys who created misunderstanding
3.    A girl who was doing the same job as by that guy, she crated misunderstanding between her group & our group.
So many allegations were imposed to me & my group, you know why, because they (that girl & that guy) got fun doing this.
There were so many other guys who didn’t want me to be with my Best Friend ever. But I want to thank you all who tried to make me dignified above all these bullshits & made my bond strongest with my Best Friend.
And to all three rivals
I have my best buddies just because of you 3, you made me realized this who is my Best Buddy & who is not. Thank you.
Love you All.
Kamal R

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