Showing posts with label acceptance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acceptance. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Power of Acceptance

Most of the people on earth do not have the courage to accept who they are.
To be original one must accept himself in every situation, with his capabilities, his nature and his disabilities as well. The best way to lead your life is to accept all your capabilities & disabilities. Because so much sugar can be dangerous to health. There is always as importance of salt in the food as the sugar in a desert.
The right amount of sugar and salt in your food lead you a healthy life.
So to make balance in one's life one must accept all his positive & negative points. But normally people fail to accept their negative points because they want to show the world that they are perfect in all respective of life.
I don't know why people avoid to accept their faults.
Being accepted of both your abilities & disabilities make you lead a perfect life rather I would say there is nothing like perfect life. But if one accept all good & bad reviews of life he can lead a perfect life.
If there is a Day(Sunrise) then there is night(Sunset) as well. But we always look for the limelight of day in our life.
You must enjoy every moment of your life. Because every second of your life is important to you either in happiness or sorrow, in day or in night, in positive or negative. Every second must be cherished to its best. Because you can enjoy your food only if you have hunger.
If one want to change his behavior or improve his behavior towards something so he must accept first to bring about the change. If one can't even accept the faults he commits now he can bring that change in himself.
So to lead a perfect life understand the power of the word ''The Acceptance''.
Accept your weak points to improve and make them your strengths.
So I,Kamal R, is going to bring that change in myself. I accept all my disabilities & faults which I had made in my relationships with my parents, my friends, my relatives, my love & myself.
I accept & promise to everyone & myself, I will take care of the love, care & fight, the sunrise & sunset, the brighter & darker side of my life & your life without which I can not lead a perfect relation & a perfect life.
''Understand the Power of Acceptance.''                        
Kamal R