Monday, June 22, 2015

Grow Up Kiddos

Welcome to "The Transformation".

Grow Up kiddos

This blog is completely based on my recent observation. Today we hear a lot about boy-girl relationships and all. This blog is for/on this relationship only.

Before you actually go and read this stuff I must inform you that this is not my personal opinion but just an observation. Also this blog relates to every 2nd or 3rd individual in today's scenario. Here I will explain you how a boy and a girl think or what perception they make after getting approached by the opposite sex.

This title must be very much familiar because we usually listen and speak it in our daily life. Today before we actually start
I have a free advice for every reader, "Grow up kiddos".

In the recent past, a few days ago I have observed how both male and female react when they get approached.

Everybody does have the  "PAST" by virtue of which he or she develops a prejudgemental attitude towards people. They start comparing their past to their present and Unfortunately there is no logic behind that of being compared of those. Past is something that had already happened and you could not do anything about that and the present is something you can mould or design as per your decision which you are gonna take next. So be careful While taking a step towards your future.

Now what I observed was that there was a girl who was good in nature, having good personality and good attitude. She always gives you back a smile if you smile to her. That is what I think a very gentle gesture. But here stereotype begins, to every guy (most of them) to whom she was smiled back, was thinking that the girl actually wanted to have a relationship. Like we say in hindi, "Hasee toh Phasee". That is completely different from reality. Every bad judgement will lower down your confidence, your attitude and your moral. So be assured when you make any judgement towards/for anyone.

Now the other side of the coin. This is something what I have personally experienced in my life. Whenever a boy approaches a girl stereotype begins. If I am approaching you that does not mean that I'm interested in you. Do not judge me if you do not know me.

First of all everybody is unique. They have different faces, build structures, different personality and attitude and the most important things different approach towards life. They all are so different how could you treat like one. Just because you have your prejudgemental perception.

I want you all to notice to things here
1. Nobody is same
2. Not everybody wants to have relationship with you if he/she approaches you.

I may understand boys scenario in first case they are supposed to react like this. But we expect something better from you girls.

"Break the stereotypes", "Grow up kiddos".

Free Advice: Take it or leave it.

Rise n Shine
Kamal R
Have a great Approach!!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Experience Is a Great Teacher!!!

Welcome to "The Transformation".

Experience is a great teacher.

Before you go ahead and read this please make sure you are well prepared to read this. Do not read this to judge me or my writing skills. If you're really interested to know what my opinion is only then go ahead and read it. All the very best.

They say, "Experience and wisdom comes with age."

Experience, good or bad, is a great pioneer to your next step. Some may agree, some might not. Some would say why to make mistakes and get experience while we can learn from others' mistakes and experiences. Though it is important but personal experiences leave an indelible impression on our minds that are long lasting and invaluable. Like a good teacher her lessons are very thorough and we can only ignore it, to our own peril.

First of all, what ever we learn through our own experiences is long lasting. As anything what we learn from others, we forget that pretty quickly. As we are not aware of the process, we over look the advices and suggestions. But when we go through the struggles and hurdles ourselves we experience the whole process. This hand on experience help us to remember our journey and keep us alert for long time.

Secondly, in addition to extended impact learning by own experiences is most informative and understandable. When we realise something ourselves, we understand that more. These experiments and inference help us to master.

We learn from everything we do, in fact life is one great journey of learning. We learn patience when faced with adversity, courage in face of danger and wisdom from our mistakes. We must learn something from our own life to make our future better and ready to take care of hardships of our lives. It is very Unfortunate that some of us learn this lesson very late in life.

However in this short span of life we should therefore, not only from our own experience but also profit from others' experiences. This would save us from many a pitfall and the unnecessary labour that goes with it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Avoid it N Get it!!!!

Welcome to "The Transformation".

Avoid a thing and you get it. How many times it happens whenever we try to ignore something it bounce back to us so quickly. Is it a coincidence all there is a difference prospect behind this? I think that there is a logic behind every ignorance. One does not ignore someone or something until he or she has a great reason to avoid it. And whenever we have any solid reason to do something. We do things more eagerly and with more passion.
So whenever someone tries to ignore he or she continuously thinks about that thing or a person that thought remains in his or her mind. One place has been occupied in person's mind for that particular thing.
Unknowingly you install a particular space in your mind for that particular thing. As it remains in your mind it becomes permanent. You get attached to that thing irrespective of that fact that you want to ignore it. Gradually it becomes more stronger than that it was. Ultimately whenever you ignore someone or something it becomes more closer to you. And you find yourself in condition of not avoiding it anymore.

Free advice: Do not give special Attention it leads to Addiction.

Signing off
Kamal R.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Expectation always hurts.

Welcome to "The Transformation".

Expectation always hurts. You cannot expect people to understand you. It is completely their own choice if they really mean to understand you. You cannot impose your thinking and decisions to anyone. It is always better to accept the fact that there could be only one who can/could be close to you and that would be only you. If you think you can have a better friend or partner outside you. Then I am sorry to say that you are wrong. And you will remain in the same zone until you decide to leave this thought. It is human tendency to expect. We are brought up like this that we expect certain things from people. These people could be your friends, near ones, dear ones or your family. There are certain situations which are beyond your control and you could not expect or you have to survive on your own.

I know that people do not like free advice still I feel that ONE should not expect anything from anyone except himself. The one who opts for this power will definitely win the world. 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Love People or Leave People

Welcome to "The Transformation".

People come and go!!

Feelings remain in the heart. People live in the hearts. Time never return, even you can't follow the time. The best you can do is to remain in touch with people to whom do you think they are close to you. Take out time from your busy schedule to meet and to Re-Live those moments which you will always cherish.

If you are attached to someone please go and share your attachment to him/her. Maybe you do not get another chance to live these moments again. Go and live your life.

Rise and Shine.

Kamal R

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pencil Sketch of GOD of Cricket

Welcome to "The Transformation".
Welcome to Sketch Art.

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar known for his contribution to Cricket. Master Blaster named as the 'God Of Cricket' by the rest of the cricket world and fans. He is the only batsman who have a long really long list of record. May God Bless him always.