Showing posts with label ignore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ignore. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Avoid it N Get it!!!!

Welcome to "The Transformation".

Avoid a thing and you get it. How many times it happens whenever we try to ignore something it bounce back to us so quickly. Is it a coincidence all there is a difference prospect behind this? I think that there is a logic behind every ignorance. One does not ignore someone or something until he or she has a great reason to avoid it. And whenever we have any solid reason to do something. We do things more eagerly and with more passion.
So whenever someone tries to ignore he or she continuously thinks about that thing or a person that thought remains in his or her mind. One place has been occupied in person's mind for that particular thing.
Unknowingly you install a particular space in your mind for that particular thing. As it remains in your mind it becomes permanent. You get attached to that thing irrespective of that fact that you want to ignore it. Gradually it becomes more stronger than that it was. Ultimately whenever you ignore someone or something it becomes more closer to you. And you find yourself in condition of not avoiding it anymore.

Free advice: Do not give special Attention it leads to Addiction.

Signing off
Kamal R.