Showing posts with label quit life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quit life. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Medicine to all your Problems: Suicide?

You must have heard about actress Jia Khan committed suicide. That case has become more complicated. Her last movie was with Akhshay Kumar & her career was started with the Living Legend Mr Amitabh Bachchan & in the very next movie she was with Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan. Nobody knows the reason behind this sad incident. The whole Bollywood is “Nishabdh”.
Now the question arises” Is this the solution for every Problem?”
If you get low marks in your board exams & you don’t have courage to face your parents who always want you to be at the top; so you can’t just commit suicide to get rid of all your problems.
Is this the real solution?
May be for that someone who wants to run away from all his problems but after this what would have been the future of his dear & near ones who always have the dream for you to be at the top.
They want you to become somebody in the society so that they can say proudly that yes he is my son or she is my daughter.
Sometime A person is in that situation that cannot be bearable. May be he/she could have the courage to face his/her problems.
May be the problem requires more mental strength than they have.
My question is who is responsible for these types of cases?
Parents? Police & System? Education System? Or an Individual?
Obviously this era is the era of competition. Every parent wants their child to get good marks, to be very athletic, to be No. 1 & to make them proud in any manner.
Sometimes they ignore the talent of their child & make their child a puppet & want him/her to perform well just to make sure that their child is ahead of someone’s child & make them feel low.
I was watching television some days ago & I observed that most of the parents pressurizing their child to be no. 1, there are so many Reality Shows for kids now days & parents just want them to get in at any cost.
They don’t want their children to be at the top in one field but all fields.
When I searched for the suicide cases in India at one of famous News Agency’s website I found more than 20 cases of suicide on the front page of that website.
And most of them had happened within last 24 hours. Those were the cases I came through but the list was not short enough.
Is our police system responsible for this?
I don’t know why people always blame police force & system…!!!
If somebody doesn’t have courage to find a safe way for his problems how police force & system would help?

Now days so many board exams’ results have been declared & some parents are very happy because their children made them proud & some are searching for that smile which was on the faces of their children at the time of vacations.
Not every child would be a topper but does the grading system divide students?
Teachers always appreciate those on which they don’t have to work hard. But those who are little bit slow in their studies don’t deserve a chance to be taken care of more precisely?
Some of the students lose hopes against grading system. They have more worries about their near & dear ones, how would they react after knowing the fact about low grade of their child?
In the end They quit.
There are different roles of teachers, parents and friends to encourage their students, children & friends to be tough enough to face any type of problems.
Suicide is not the solution for every problem.
There are phases when pressure is so hard on the mind & we don’t know what to do.
In my opinion, the only solution of any problem in this world is “to share” &” find the solution.”
The path may be hard but the end will be good.
Hope this would help you all when you need this type of encouragement.
This time I, Kamal R is signing off.
See you soon
Stay healthy
Stay fit
Stay focused
Kamal R.