Showing posts with label past. Show all posts
Showing posts with label past. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

Are you stuck in the past or live in present?

Are you stuck in the past or live in present?
Welcome all!!!
Obviously we live in our present but how past affects our present is worth-mentioning. It can be in positive or negative way.
We have Past, Present & Future.
Past that has been already happened so that is uncontrollable. Now comes to future, which is still not come so that is also uncontrollable right? And Present is what that is going on now (At this moment only), as this moment passes it becomes Past.
Now how past things affects present?  You must notice this in any conversation we only talk about past or future. The ratio is 80:20. We mostly talk about Past.
As we think or have a conversation on anything related to past, it starts effecting our present.
Let's take a situation; we have 3 boxes Past, Present & Future. And we are on the 2nd box named as Present.

As we think about our past or future, it would not remain past or future but ultimately it becomes our present.

Now just suppose if there was something happened in your past that has given you a lot of pain.
And you are still thinking of it how that thing had hurt you then you are just recreating the same scenario again that would only give you the same pain nothing else.
In my last blog, I said that sharing is a good method to get out of your frustration. But sharing your problems with having an eye on the source of that problem is not worthy at all. You should share but considering solution of your problem not the source of your problem. It will give you nothing but the pain.
You must have heard ''History repeats itself''. This is the method how history repeats. We have taken that pain in the past recreating the same scenario in the present would also give that pain & it repeats itself.
One more thing I have heard about the past that says ''Remember your past so that you can improve your future''. It means not to repeat your past faults again.

Our belief system says if someone is hurting you in any way & you want to get out of this either change the person (nature-wise) or not to get involved. But that is also not in our control to change someone. Now what should we do in these situations?
You just need to re-arrange your Belief system.
The only thing that is under your control is "Yourself". Don't avoid anything in your life. but just prepare yourself for how you should respond to a particular situation to not to get hurt.
"Just make sure that your focus must be on yourself & your present only"
Stay healthy & stay updated.
Kamal R.